About Calorie Planning and Team Looney

About Calorie Planning and Team Looney

Hello! Welcome to our little spot on the web!

We are Nicholas and Heather Looney and we’re on a mission to save the world!

Okay, maybe that’s a tall order but hey - we are going to help as many people as we possibly can.

Calorie Planning exists to educate and inspire individuals who want to improve their health.

Here’s a little background on us.

A couple of band geeks enthusiasts growing up in smalltown Missouri - we fell in love in 2001 and have been married since 2005.

We’ve been obese most of our lives having small sprints of successful weight loss in between long periods of unconscious behavior.

As general overconsumers, we had way too much “fun” throughout our 20’s...

...ahem...and most of our 30’s 😅 😬

Essentially, we didn’t create any balance between having fun and working toward meaningful goals.

  • We ate all the food. We didn’t care about what we were eating or how much. It wasn’t really a thought that entered our minds.

  • We drank all the drinks. We were basically two bottles of whiskey walking around in human form!

  • We smoked all the weed. Cannabis provides amazing benefits for some people. However, the way we were using it wasn’t valuable. It only promoted more consumption, less productivity, and less money in our bank account!

  • We made all the excuses. We had minimal self-awareness. So whenever challenges arose, we failed to take responsibility for our thoughts and actions. Instead, our minds created ways to push blame externally to past events, other people, and various life circumstances.

For over 15 years, we’ve been zig-zagging our way to success. We are now battle-tested fat loss experts.

Together, we’ve melted over 250 pounds off of our bodies! That’s over 100 pounds each!

No drugs. No surgeries. Not even a gym membership! 😮

We both know firsthand how incredibly challenging it can be to adopt a healthy lifestyle, especially when you're just getting started.

It took us a very long time to figure out what we were doing right and wrong in the fat loss game.

Now we want to help others.

We don’t want people to have to struggle as much as we did to get it right.

We want to be the resource for other people that we needed through the tough years.

We’re here to save you a lot of time, money, and sanity!

We will:

  • share all of our knowledge with you
  • provide valuable resources
  • stay humble and keep learning

We will not:

  • try to make you dependent on “miracle” products or programs
  • encourage you to buy junk you don't need
  • lie or otherwise bullshit you in any way

We want to help you design and create a healthy, happy lifestyle - to become the person you are meant to be - to live the life you deserve.

You want it! Let us help you get it!

We have so much to share with you and look forward to connecting in the future.

Thank you for being here!

With Love,

Nicholas and Heather

Team Looney ❤️ 🤘

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Nicholas and Heather Looney at Taum Sauk state park with trees in the distance

Nicholas and Heather Looney

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